

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism - Meaning of 慨世憂国, がいせいゆうこく, gaiseiyūkoku. See complete explanation and ...

    Definition of 慨世憂国. がいせいゆうこく ( gaiseiyuukoku ) 【 慨世憂国 】. 慨世憂国 Kanji. (n) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer ...

    The english translations and meanings for 慨世憂国, がいせいゆうこく and gaiseiyuukoku are: worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer ...

    Definition of 慨世憂国. Click for more info and examples: がいせいゆうこく - gaiseiyuukoku - worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer ...

    慨世憂国 【 がいせいゆうこく gaiseiyuukoku 】. noun: worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism - four character idiom.

    Words related to 憂国. がいせいゆうこく ( gaiseiyuukoku ) 【 慨世憂国 】. 慨世憂国 Kanji. (n) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer ...

    慨 · [ふんがい] (n,vs) indignation, resentment · [かんがい] (n) strong feelings, deep emotion · 量 · [がいたん] (n,vs) deploring, lamentation, regret, complaint

    deploring; lamentation; regret; complaint. View. 慨世憂国 【 がいせいゆうこく gaiseiyuukoku 】. noun: worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer ...

    Noun (futsuumeishi) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism. Your personal translations.

    四字熟語. 一喜一憂 (いっきいちゆう); 遠慮近憂 (えんりょきんゆう); 回顧之憂 (かいこのうれい); 還顧之憂 (かんこのうれい); 慨世憂国 (がいせいゆうこく); 杞人天憂 ( ...