
worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism - Meaning of 慨世憂国, がいせいゆうこく, gaiseiyūkoku. See complete explanation and ...

Definition of 慨世憂国. がいせいゆうこく ( gaiseiyuukoku ) 【 慨世憂国 】. 慨世憂国 Kanji. (n) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer ...

The english translations and meanings for 慨世憂国, がいせいゆうこく and gaiseiyuukoku are: worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer ...

がいせいゆうこく. worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism. Definitions. noun. 1. Worrying about the conditions of the country out ...

慨世憂国 【 がいせいゆうこく gaiseiyuukoku 】. noun: worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism - four character idiom.

Words related to 憂国. がいせいゆうこく ( gaiseiyuukoku ) 【 慨世憂国 】. 慨世憂国 Kanji. (n) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer ...

慨 · [ふんがい] (n,vs) indignation, resentment · [かんがい] (n) strong feelings, deep emotion · 量 · [がいたん] (n,vs) deploring, lamentation, regret, complaint

deploring; lamentation; regret; complaint. View. 慨世憂国 【 がいせいゆうこく gaiseiyuukoku 】. noun: worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer ...

Noun (futsuumeishi) worrying about the conditions of the country out of sheer patriotism. Your personal translations.
