

  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/3/19 -We can use .dwg files to store data and metadata on 2D and 3D designs. Additionally, .dwg files are compatible with many CAD programs, especially AutoCAD.

    2024/1/16 -AutoCAD is CAD software that allows users to create different models in ... To install AutoCAD on Ubuntu, you can download and install Windows 10 on VirtualBox.

    2023/12/28 -Hi, to start things off, Currently i'm on windows 11, and i use SolidWorks for my parts, i love it, it's by far my favorite cad software, i started…

    2024/1/28 -Get the latest version of FreeCAD for on Ubuntu - An open source parametric 3D CAD modeler.

    2024/3/22 -I don't understand how I am supposed to install FreeCAD on Ubuntu 22.04 with gmsh for the FEM workbench. The options I see are: - Install FreeCAD via "Ubuntu ...

    2024/3/3 -Get the latest version of openscad-nightly for on Ubuntu - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller. ... It focuses on CAD aspects rather than artistic ones. .

    2024/1/6 -FreeCAD is available from Ubuntu repositories and ... OpenSCAD is a free and open-source CAD software for creating solid 3D CAD ... Use TrueCAD intellicad software ...

    2023/12/20 -Mayo the opensource 3D CAD viewer and converter. Overview. Convert 3D files. Mayo can read/write 3D files from/to STEP, IGES, STL and many other CAD formats.

    Wiki-Releases 9-Issues 38-README.md

    2024/3/15 -FreeCAD is a general purpose feature-based, parametric 3D modeler for CAD, MCAD, CAx, CAE and PLM, aimed directly at mechanical engineering and product design ...

    Disclaimer/Disclosure: Some of the content was synthetically produced using various Generative AI (artificial intelligence) tools; so, ...


    A.debian Linuxのパッケージにあるのでubuntuでも使えると思うのですがLinuxではQCadというのが使えそうですね。 WindowsのフリーCADは基本的に使えないと思います。 ただ


    A.・見られないサイト(IE専用以外で) 表示に関していえば、ブラウザレベルでの対応の話になるので、Linuxかどうかは関係ありません。 Firefoxで見られるか?Operaで見られるか?その程度...


    A.JWLは無いので、JWW使う前提ならWindowsを使います。 Windows7モデルのはずなので、7のサポート終了に向けて 移行を検証しているのであれば、JWWをLinux系OSで動かすことを...
