

Moves the input focus from the current child control to the next one in the tab order. Call SelectNext to move the child control focus.

2012/3/27 -About SelectNext procedure in Delphi XE2 ... I'm having the next problem with SELECTNEXT and FINDNEXTCONTROL procedures in Delphi XE2 (Update 4 ...

2016/5/20 -I use the following code in a TEdit and TLabelledEdit OnExit event. Form1.SelectNext(ActiveControl, False,True)

SelectNext. 親: TWinControl. Delphi. procedure SelectNext(CurControl: TWinControl; GoForward, CheckTabStop: Boolean);. C++. void __fastcall SelectNext( ...

You can make your application focus the next control (in the tab order) on your form by using the SelectNext() method. To move to the next control: ...

This code first checks to see if the Key that was entered was indeed the Enter key (#13), and then calls the SelectNext method of the Form, passing the current ...

2017/3/26 -There is a lot of third-party code for implementing better data entry processing in Delphi. ... SelectNext(Sender as TWinControl,True,True) ;

When key #13 is pressed (Enter), SelectNext moves the input focus from the current control (in this case Edit1) to the next one. That is, if there is a "next" ...

This way you can display the version number of your application in an information dialog. To include a version resource to your Delphi application, set the " ...

2008/5/1 -1. I use the OnEnter event TComboBox(Sender).DroppedDown := true; //this does mean that an item · 2. I use the exit event to set the text value ...