

  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2023/12/24 -mkv x264 8bit high level 3.1 slow film crf20-22. Upvote ... x264, no question. However, I've now done a (pretty intense ) exercise of, well, here's a summary of ...

    x264 - Codec Wiki

    1. https://wiki.x266.mov
    2. docs
    3. encoders
    4. x264
    1. https://wiki.x266.mov
    2. docs
    3. encoders
    4. x264

    2024/2/21 -x264 is a software library and command line application for encoding H.264 / AVC developed by VideoLAN, the people behind the ever-popular VLC Media Player ...

    2023/12/16 -... crf 20 -x264-params "threads=1:asm=mmx2,sse2,ssse3,sse4,avx" out.mp4}. I used ... x264. preset fast: 1.9% preset medium: 1.8% preset very slow: 4.2% preset ...

    2024/4/18 -CRF works just like in x264, so choose the highest value that provides an acceptable quality. Choose a preset. The default is medium . The preset determines ...

    2024/3/14 -We compress the same video as in the H.265 test using the X264 encoding software, with the preset "slower" and crf 20. Media Encoding ...

    2024/1/7 -all combinations of: x264, CRF 20-23, keyframe 0-2, veryfast-ultrafast, none-high... (also tested all of the same settings on VBR instead of CQP/CRF) same ...

    2024/1/28 -... crf 20 output.mp4. Decode an input with hardware, deinterlace it if it was interlaced, downscale, then download to normal memory to encode with libx264 (will ...

    2024/3/5 -Remember last settings for x264 and hevc and audio encoding. Fixed: Massive bug in HDR10 handling (thx to Ndidi). ProWo is online now ...

    2023/11/30 -... (x264-8bit CRF 20). Sadly I was not able to record using VirtualDub, as it only showed me a blackscreen as preview and I wasn't able to start the capture ...

    2023/11/27 -Learn how to use the FFmpeg command on GNU/Linux with practical examples and tips. Master the art of video and audio manipulation using this powerful tool.

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    A.非常によくある質問です。 下記の指示に従って解決してください。 ■ニコニコ動画不具合解決まとめ http://turreys.jimdo.com/%E3%83%8B%E3%82%B3%E3%83...
