


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 6日前 -mpv is a media player based on MPlayer and the now unmaintained mplayer2. It supports a wide variety of video file formats, audio and video codecs, ...

    1日前 -Unixmen provide Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Tips & Tricks ,Opensource News. It cover most popular distros like Ubuntu, LinuxMint, Fedora, Centos. It is your Gate ...

    2日前 -... Video player based on MPlayer ... I used mpv on Linux ... On windows this works by default because file names aren't case sensitive, so I ask about Linux.

    2日前 -In this post we gonna talk about MPV that is forked from Mplayer and Mplayer2 and it can support almost all subtitle and video codecs types. Installing MPV: For ...

    1日前 -Download Genymotion Desktop for PC & Mac M1/M2. Available for Windows 10/11, macOS Ventura and Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora Workstation).

    6日前 -VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various ...

    5日前 -Universal compatibility with Chrome OS, Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows operating systems. Network Speed Up to 1Gbps. Faster and more stable wired network than Wi- ...

    5日前 -Not sure if games "run better on Linux" (i'm no expert, just common user) but what makes me stay on linux is the no piracy needed overall. I mean open ...

    5時間前 -QuickTime Player is a multimedia player which handles a wide range of picture, video, audio, and panoramic image formats. Full story · Read more · 0 threads and ...

    Story HOWTO-The LXer Team-Latest discussions-Wrong headline

    6日前 -Red Hat is the world's leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, including high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

    Enterprise Linux-All Red Hat products-Training and Certification-Our company

    A.私は音は良くしたいけど殆ど金を掛けたくないにわかとしての意見です。 ですがオープンソースが好きなのでPCはLinux mintのみです。基本的にwindowsは一切使っていません。なのでLinux


    A.winでの動画の再生に使うレンダラはなにを使われています? xpまでならオーバーレイが一番軽いと思います それとGOM Playerは軽くはないと思います 確かこいつはコーデックをバカスカいれる...