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  • 日々たくさんのゲームがリリースされる現代。その分話題になる作品も多いわけですが、「どうしてこのゲームは人気なんだろう?」と思ったことはありませんか?この連載では、ゲーマーから注目を浴びているゲームがな...

    Game Spark-

    マイクロソフトは、日本時間2024年6月10日2:00より「Xbox Games Showcase」と「[REDACTED] Direct」を配信することを発表した。配信の長さは不明。Xbox Game Studios、Activision Blizzard、ベセスダなどからの最新...


    2024/3/8 -Don't miss your chance to become legendary! Lead massive armies into epic battles against dragons, monsters, and players from around the globe in the most ...

    2024/2/8 -The game is designed to stimulate your mind. They use the same tactics that casinos use to get you to keep spending. Flashy new items, "reward" items that you ...

    2024/3/8 -ハマリ度抜群のアクション戦略MMOゲーム!祖国のために戦え!今すぐプレイせよ!

    Kratos and Atreus battle side by side in God of War: The Board Game, but can David and Ryan play the game well enough for them to survive?

    YouTube-Man vs Meeple

    2024/4/10 -The 2nd World War: Tank clashes, Naval battles, Air combat. In Call of War you rewrite the course of history! Take over the control of one of the mighty ...

    2024/3/18 -Go to 'War' when the cards you flip are the same card. However, it doesn't matter the suit of the card; its value of the card does matter. Two jacks can set up ...

    2024/3/27 -Unlike other card games, Tha Game of War Card Game is beautifully illustrated (Dino & Unicorn) with adorable Cartoons which children can easily identify.

    Exclusive Content https://www.patreon.com/GameBrigade Join the Game Brigade Community Discord https://discord.gg/edCPKKzmep ...

    YouTube-Game Brigade

    2024/3/13 -One of the best games of all time. This game still holds up to this day the graphics the gameplay everything is pure perfection. As homelandr likes to say: it ...

    2024/4/10 -Gears 5 is a 2019 third-person shooter video game developed by The Coalition and published by Xbox Game Studios for Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

    Kait Diaz-Rod Fergusson-Hivebusters



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