


  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2023/12/15 -A recent paper by Shah et al., 2018 explains the default behaviour in BLAST using the --max-target-seq setting. Many people use this setting to restrict ...

    2024/4/25 -Figure 6 demonstrates the threshold capability of the BLAST-QC program. The first sequence is returned when ordering by evalue with the number of hits set to ...

    2023/12/30 -A tool for domain based annotation with databases from the Conserved Domains Database - iquasere/reCOGnizer.

    2024/1/24 -Reduce the number of hits returned ( -max_target_seqs, -max_hsps can help), if it is reasonable for your research. Limit your hit list to nearly identical ...

    2024/2/22 -The -max_target_seqs parameter specifies how many hits are returned for each query sequence. This is based on which hits are returned first, not which are the ...

    2024/2/23 -I got it making use of blastn, creating first a database with the RNA sequences and doing blast with the Ribo-seq sequences as query.

    2024/2/19 -blastp -query reference.fasta -db crustome_aa_DB -num_threads 5 -max_target_seqs 1000 -evalue 1e-96 -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore pident nident ...

    2023/12/29 -A tool for retrieving huge ammounts of information from UniProt! UPIMAPI is a command line interface for using UniProt's API, which allows to access ...

    2024/4/24 -Homology was assessed using blastn with the option -max_target_seqs N (blast + /2.11.0); this option was used to retrieve the maximum number of hits for ...

    2024/1/26 -First, the IS621 protein sequence was searched against the complete IS110 database for orthologs using blastp (“-max_target_seqs 1000000 -evalue 1e-6”).