
Change.org is the world's largest petition platform, using technology to empower more than 200 million users to create the change they want to see.

Change.org-Start a Petition-Impact report-Browse

This petition made change with 728 supporters! Share this petition. Why this petition matters. Started by PS15 PTA Secretary. This is a letter of support to ...

Is there something you want to change? · DEFEND DAVIDAI: Demand that Columbia End its Persecution of Jewish Professor Shai Davidai · Require NYC DOE to Provide ...

2023/9/12 -This petition aims to remove the current PTA ... This petition aims to remove the current PTA President ... © 2024, Change.org, PBC. This site is ...

Change.org. 1736410 likes · 468 talking about this. Change.org is the world's largest nonprofit-owned platform for social change, using technology to...

PTA · Is there something you want to change? · Is there something you want to change? Build support for an issue you care about.

National PTA comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of ...

Creating a quality petition is the best way to make positive change. Here's how to create an online petition that will attract signatures—and create change.

(If you use an online petition, there are many sites to create your petition step by step, such as change.org or thepetitionsite.com. For paper petitions, there ...

2024/4/22 -If you could wave a magic wand and change anything in the world, what would it be? #change #petition. May be a graphic of text that says 'If ...

A.で、質問は何でしょう? 橋下批判ですか?それとも公募校長制度の批判ですか? 公募校長制度は必要でしょう。大衆は二言目には、「教員は世間を知らない」「教員は民間では通用しない」って言っているん...
