

The function is explicit if and only if that constant expression evaluates to true. (since C++20). The explicit specifier may only appear within the decl- ...

Explicit type conversion-Converting constructor-Copy-initialization

2008/9/23 -The explicit keyword is meant for preventing implicit conversions that happen in direct initialization and function resolution. A better ...

2022/9/14 -Explicit Keyword in C++ is used to mark constructors to not implicitly convert types in C++. It is optional for constructors that take ...

2023/10/24 -In C++, the explicit keyword is used with a constructor to prevent it from performing implicit conversions.

2015/6/27 -Gold rule is to use explicit keyword for all constructors which can be called with one argument provided unless you want to enable implicit ...

2022/5/16 -Making other single-argument constructors explicit is generally desirable because it prevents implicit type conversion.

2023/4/9 -The point is that you specify the type of the object explicitly on the value you're initializing. For example, this will require an implicit ...

The explicit function specifier controls unwanted implicit type conversions. It can only be used in declarations of constructors within a class declaration.

2023/4/8 -All your constructors should be explicit by default. Non- explicit constructors are for special cases. The explicit keyword disallows “implicit conversion” ...

C++ keyword: explicit. From cppreference.com. < cpp‎ | keyword · C++ · Compiler support · Freestanding and hosted · Language · Standard library.