


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 2日前 -Make sure cart ROM isn't writeable (just ignore it) and the boot ROM overlaps the first 256 bytes of the game ROM (with the boot ROM being read if it's enabled, ...

    6日前 -This program called Swift.ROM is a game (NES/GBA/NDS) ROM manager. It has an easy to use interface that makes him to be more pleasant. It works on all kind of ...

    4日前 -A beautiful, powerful, self-hosted rom manager. Contribute to rommapp/romm development by creating an account on GitHub.

    4日前 -It looks like the SD card file system has corrupted, causing the ROM file to be unable to load correctly, please scan the SD card with a disk utility or ...

    4日前 -"ROM" refers to a digital copy of a game, and "hacking" denotes the creative modification of these games in form of patches. These terms are used in a non ...

    3日前 -melonDS aims at providing fast and accurate Nintendo DS emulation. While it is still a work in progress, it has a pretty solid set of features.

    A.R4DS単体ではGBAをプレイすることは できないです。 参考URL:ttp://torrentfree.blog109.fc2.com/blog-entry-151.html

    A.GBAGBAROMを書き込む? GBA本体そのものにデータをいれるってコトですか?

    A.実際にやったことないのでわかりませんがRAM領域とはセーブメモリのことで領域に一致しないのはサイズが違うから・・・だと思います もしそうなのであれば解決方法はありません。 なのでそのままエミュ...

    - Blank mew certificate so you can write down the ID number once you got into the game. ... Huge GBA variant box/manuals lot! Guarantee you've never seen ...


    1日前 -PIC12F629が付いていますので、スーパーファミコンの特殊チップSA-1のROMデータ吸い出しに対応しています。 ファームウェアのバージョンは V14.3 です。 ... 電圧の切り替え ...

    4日前 -Improves the games significantly, while still remaining true to the originals. With these patches, all 3 GBA Castlevanias are as close to perfection as possible ...

    6日前 -Software Creations utilized a custom driver by Neil Millstone for their GBA games. According to the data of The Ripping Friends, composers would write their ...