


  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/1/15 -Download · PHP Version: PHP 5.2.1 or newer · PEAR Package: PEAR Installer 1.5.6 or newer · PEAR Package: Net_SMTP 1.10.0 or newer (optional).

    2024/6/10 -Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails.

    2024/4/24 -This guide will take you through your Mail Setup with step-by-step instructions. If you are struggling with your setup, please contact The SMTP Support Team ...

    2024/3/10 -PHP Version: PHP 5.2.0 or newer; PEAR Package: PEAR Installer 1.6.0 or newer. 1.10.11. Easy Install. Not sure?

    2024/5/31 -The PHP PEAR Packages interface allows you to search for and add PEAR packages to your website, or view all of your website's available PHP packages.

    2024/5/31 -Mail_Mime provides classes to create MIME messages.

    A.PEAR::Mailは随分使っていないのでアレですが >現状は is_object で、オブジェクトであれば失敗と判定していますが こんな感じでしょうか? $result = $m...

    A.やったことがないので分かりませんが、 まず、PearをMac OS Xにインストールします。 http://blog.verygoodtown.com/2012/01/mac-os-x-lion...

    A.>PEAR::Mailのロジックを見ると、最終的には >phpのmail関数を使って処理している為、 それはバックエンドに mail を指定しているときだけでは? >PEAR:

    2024/3/6 -Sending PHP emails through SMTP requires setting up PEAR mail and using a PHP mail script with SMTP authentication. You can follow this guide to learn more.

    2024/3/22 -How to send emails using Symfony Mailer. It's 2024, which means Pear:: Mail and Swift Mailer are quite a bit outdated now, so we're left with Symfony as our ...

    2024/5/4 -10lb box contains 11-14 premium pears. Receive a complimentary Pear Planker with every 8lb or 10lb fruit gift purchase. A free personalized greeting card ...

    2024/6/21 -Yes, the standard PEAR packages are included in all PHP installations. However, if your application requires a certain PEAR package which is not included,