

Death is the great equalizer of human beings. Death is the boundary that we need to measure the precious texture of our lives. All people owe a death.

(Minor spoilers for Episode 5) From Umineko When They Cry Chiru / Answer Arcs.


2015/8/13 -It means that underneath our differences we are all alike and deserve to be treated based on our commonality not our differences. We all feel ...

2017/3/13 -Death is an omnipotent force, inescapable and looming. For this reason, it has been quite often referred to as the “Great Equalizer.

2021/6/3 -Death is the great equalizer only means that once you die, it doesn't matter who you were in life, because you are all just as dead. But that ...

2022/1/30 -We cling to this fantasy, looking for ways to separate ourselves from society, our families, friends and peers — from the world in general.

I focus on six core components of a. “good death”: pain and symptom management, accept- ance, medical care that is concordant with one's prefer- ences, dying at ...

2015/11/10 -There is no greater human equalizer in life then death. Everyone of us is bound to die, regardless of wealth, popularity, intelligence or ...

Mitch Albom — 'Maybe death is the great equalizer, the one big thing that can finally make strangers shed a tear for one another.'

Central Idea: Death renders meaningless a life that is Christless. Purpose: To call everyone to follow Christ to find meaning in life.

A. あれの読み方は ダイザデス。 センテンストゥデス。 グレートイコライザーイズザデス。 です。 訳は、 Die The death!  (死を遂げろ!)  Sentence to deathッ!  

A.「死を遂げよ、死刑を宣告する、死は全ての者を平等にする」 という意味です equalizer:等しくするもの