

2012/8/15 -Another way to retrieve the IPv6-Address is using InetAddress.getAllByName("www.google.at") which returns all known IP-Addresses of the host.

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the next generation Internet layer protocol. Both versions of IP are in use today. Java applications support both IPv4 and ...

Hello, awesome code! Though i tried to expand the usage a lite and made it possible to set the number of pings and size on the package sent. But with only an ...

IPv6 and Java Applications. The Java development environment and language originally developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. is inherently Internet Protocol (IP) ...

How to Ping an Ip Address Using Java (Simple) Greetings, today in this Java tutorial we shall be looking at how to ping an ip address or a ...

YouTube-Max O'Didily

2017/6/29 -This Java Program pings an IP address in Java using InetAddress class. It is successful in case of Local Host but for other hosts this program ...

2022/10/6 -I just installed PingDirectory in a lab server. I notice that it only seems to be listening on the IP6 address. The config.ldif says to listen ...

When I try to connect to IPv6 host using literal address it throws a NoRouteToHostException but using ping6 its works. In OS X Java always set a scope id in ...

The ping IPv6 tool checks the given IPv6 host, whether online or not. It uses a simple algorithm for checking that state. The tool sends ICMP packets to an ...

2012/7/25 -When I open a page that has a Java element, Java cannot connect to the server. After investigation, I found that Java was trying to use IPv6, ...