

  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2日前 -毎日”うれしい”がきっとある。”毎日何かが見つかる”ノクティプラザ。川崎市溝口にある商業ビルです。

    2024/8/14 -Stunning Bokeh: With an ultra-wide f/1.2 aperture, the NOCTY creates a breathtaking bokeh that isolates your subject with a dreamlike quality, perfect for ...

    2024/7/30 -ArtraLab is developing a new Nonikkor Nocty 50mm f/1.2 lens for Nikon Z-mount. The official announcement is expected in August. The lens will first be ...

    2024/8/13 -Stunning Bokeh: With an ultra-wide f/1.2 aperture, the NOCTY creates a breathtaking bokeh that isolates your subject with a dreamlike quality, perfect for ...

    2024/8/13 -The previously teased ArtraLab Nonnikkor Nocty 50mm f/1.2 is now available for preorder at Artralab here. On their website they say that estimated delivery ...

    2024/8/13 -The previously reported ArtraLab Nonikkor-Nocty 50mm f/1.2 lens for Nikon Z, Sony E, and Fuji X mount is now available for pre-order at a discounted early ...

    2024/7/28 -The official Nocty Plaza app has been born! It can also be used as a mobile membership card. Please download it.

    2024/7/30 -ArtraLab will announce a new Nonikkor Nocty 50mm f/1.2 lens in August. The lens will be first released for Nikon Z mount and later for Fuji X and Sony E ...

    2024/8/26 -ノクティプラザのショップ情報(SHOP NEWS)ページです。各お店のイベントやセールなどのおすすめ情報いち早くチェック。

    2024/8/13 -Stunning Bokeh: With an ultra-wide f/1.2 aperture, the NOCTY creates a breathtaking bokeh that isolates your subject with a dreamlike quality, perfect for ...


    NOCTY(のくてぃ)は、神奈川県川崎市高津区溝口にある商業ビル。正式名は「ノクティプラザ」。 大規模小売店法上の名称は、「溝口駅北口地区第一種市街地再開発事業施設建築物」。 管理運営はみぞのくち新都市株式会社が行っている。1997年9月開業。 NOCTYの名称は、溝口の「のくち…-Wikipedia