

2014/1/31 -In such cases, git clone or git pull works but git push fails. One solution is to clone using the ssh url which will be of the form git@github.

2011/4/6 -Cannot access URL http://mywebsite.com/myproject1/, return code 22 fatal: git-http-push failed. I get the same error with myproject2 repository.

2009/9/23 -when trying to push changes to a git repository via HTTP. This is probably because you are using an HTTP proxy to access the repo and that proxy ...

2016/6/3 -Username for 'http://clm.ibm.com:9999': rebecca error: Cannot access URL http://clm.ibm.com:9999/git/MyDemo.git/, return code 22 fatal: git ...

2010/10/16 -It worked fine except pushing. ~/workspace/wtf (mybranch)]$ git push origin mybranch error: Cannot access URL [my url], return code 22 fatal: ...

2016/7/18 -When trying to upload updates via http/https I was getting the above errors The solution is here: ...

2014/12/12 -The push command results in error: git push origin master error: Cannot access URL http://***.com/git/firmware.git/, return code 22 fatal: git- ...

2023/4/5 -error: Cannot access URL https://user@example.com/plesk-git/repository.git/, return code 22 fatal: git-http-push failed error: failed to ...

2019/3/9 -error: Cannot access URL https://bloodygit.tejat.net/BloodyRum/ServerOS.git/, return code 22 fatal: git-http-push failed error: failed to ...

2020/9/21 -Cannot access. error: Cannot access URL http://git.drupal.org/project/PROJECT.git/, return code 22 ... URL returned error: 403. The remote origin ...