

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/2/21 -ActiveControl. Up to Parent: TCustomForm. Delphi. property ActiveControl ... Use ActiveControl to get or set the active control (having the focus) on the form.

    2023/12/2 -ActiveControl Property. In This Article. Declaration. Property Value. #Declaration. Delphi. property ActiveControl: TWinControl read;. #Property Value. Type ...

    2023/11/14 -When the form comes up, it's automatically focused. It's my first control on the form, but everything needs to be de-focused on startup.

    2023/10/7 -Automating a Delphi 2007 application with a Python script - how do I unambiguously reference controls? ... Caption := Screen.ActiveControl.Name ; end else ...

    2024/1/21 -Delphi's TShape control is the perfect candidate for the job, it represents a geometric shape that can be drawn on a form. Every time the focus ships to another ...

    2023/12/14 -I have set up a database, SQLite, and I am able to connect to it and to the table. I have a number of TEdit controls, (which I call fields), a Memo and a ...

    2023/11/7 -AlertControl - When opened, Alert Form takes focus from the active control · Answers approved by DevExpress Support · Privacy Preference Center.

    2023/9/6 -"Include remote debug symbols" - very similar to previous option, but this creates a rsm-file with debug information for Delphi remote debugger. You need this ...

    Forms - TMS WEB Core

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    1. https://download.tmssoftware.com
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    2024/1/10 -... Delphi classes are mapped. The default project ... ActiveControl: TCustomControl, Get and set the ... Just like in a Delphi VCL application, TMS WEB Core web ...

    2023/7/9 -Specifies whether the component object has an associated action. Active. Specifies whether the form has focus. ActiveControl.