


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 3日前 -olelib.tlb,it's only x86 version,can use on x64? how to make win32api.tlb for x86/x64 by vb6 code or vba (x86/x64) likie this ' With ModuleTypeInfo '?

    2024/7/11 -You can open decompiled UI part of the DataReport in VB6 IDE. - Recover ... - Decompile COM objects ADO (ado15.dll), MS Internet Controls (ieframe.dll)

    2024/7/2 -If we convert this code to C#, it will use its .NET counterpart, as shown below. [DllImport(“kernel32.dll”, EntryPoint = “CreateFileA”, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ...

    2024/7/9 -I am coding in C++ and I can debug and run my code correctly with the correct additional dependencies and working directory. ... The goal is to create a dll that ...

    2024/7/15 -Select YES to fail the DLL load. Select NO to continue execution. Selecting NO may cause the application to operate incorrectly. ERROR_BAD_SERVICE_ENTRYPOINT.

    2024/7/1 -Bad Dll Calling Convention · Out Of Memory · Code Snippets ... Updated: 01 July ... Debug.Print Application.GetOption("Error Trapping"). © 2024 Better ...

    A.「切断された」のならタイムアウトとかが原因かな?とは思いますが、それ以上のことは判りません。 何をどうするDLLなのか? それをどのように使っているのか?(どんなサブルーチンがあって、どんな引数

    2024/7/11 -Retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started, up to 49.7 days. Syntax. DWORD GetTickCount();. Return value. The return ...

    2024/7/18 -Assuming that something not working is a bug with an outside dll or nuget package instead of how they are attempting to use it. Upvote 200. Downvote Reply ...

    2024/7/8 -I have a .Net 4.72 DLL, exposed to COM using ComVisible(true) and the rest. I'll put example in a sec. I have been modernizing this DLL to .Net 8.

    2024/7/2 -Now I cannot debug Fortran code anymore in Visual Studio. While I can run the project in debug mode, it just does not show any debugging information ...