

The game is a turn-based dungeon crawler RPG with a top-down interface. Throughout the game, Rance may gain new party members, though further customization, ...

This walkthrough is made using the remake of Rance 2. This is a rough walk through of the Rance 2 game. Changes between the original Rance 02 and Rance 02 ...

Rance 02: The Rebellious Maidens · Contents · About Edit · Story Edit · Characters Edit · Setting & Lore Edit · Trivia Edit · Opening Video Edit · See Also Edit.

Hello, Azai here, sad to say that the original channel was dead due to a copyright strike but that just means that I can start anew without ...


2021/6/2 -This is a remake of the original Rance II with a completely rewritten script, new art and some gameplay changes. Note: Alice ...

2022/12/24 -But the walkthroughs that i have found don't look as detailed as the one i used for 01. Are they incomplete or is 02 much more linear than 01.

Description. One of the Four Witches of Kathtom who Rance saved during the events of Rance II. Maria was an apprentice under Ragishss, specializing in water ...

Where I take a look at what can be considered one of the more lukewarm entries in the Rance Series, while running over the differences ...


Required CPU: Core2 Duo and up Required Memory: 1GB Resolution: 1024 x 768 Sound: WAVE, Direct Sound Required hard drive storage: 600MB DirectX: 9.0c ...

Rance 02: The Rebellious Maidens. All the latest game footage and images from Rance 02: The Rebellious Maidens by Alicesoft | 2009. Next Slide.