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  • 2024/7/16 -帰無仮説の有意性検定において、p値(ピーち、p-value)は、帰無仮説が正しいという仮定の下で、実際に観察された結果と少なくとも同じくらい極端な検定結果を得る確率 ...

    2024/7/15 -In his highly influential book Statistical Methods for Research Workers (1925), Fisher proposed the level p = 0.05 ... Bonferroni correction · Counternull ...

    P-factor-Generalized p-value-Statistical hypothesis test-Null hypothesis

    2024/6/30 -... 有意に異なるという結果であった. 調整済み有意確率とある有意確率のほうが、Bonferroni 調整が行われている P 値である. まとめ. SPSS でフリードマン検定と多重比較を ...

    2024/7/4 -... Bonferroni correction, p<0.05). Increase in DNA damage in each group is ... P. In vivo characterization of the radiosensitizing effect of a very low ...

    2024/6/28 -Data were analyzed with multiple comparisons Bonferroni test; P<0.05 was considered significant. Discussion. The pathophysiology of wound healing impairment in ...

    8時間前 -... Bonferroni correction to set the threshold for significances at P < 0.05/3.4 × 1010, ~10−12. A total of 1,625,423 CpG units associated with 1,023,970 ...

    A.>Bonferroni補正 >Tukeyの多重比較をしていることと >同じ >この場合はどうしてもTukeyで多重比較 どうしても? 意味不明です。 Bonferroniも,Tukeyも,...

    2日前 -Data are represented as the mean ± s.e.m. across eight rats. *p<0.05, **p<0.01 paired t-tests with Bonferroni p-value corrections when p<0.05. Difference scores ...

    3日前 -... Bonferroni's post-test at P<0.05. An association was established between arsenic concentration and the incidence of disease, such as diabetes mellitus. A ...

    5日前 -Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni multiple comparison test. Asterisks represent statistical significance (*p<0.05, **p<0.005, ***p<0.001, * ...

    2024/6/28 -We found that all 7 (100%) Bonferroni significant gene-trait associations replicated at (p < 0.05), including. ATP2C2-COPD (replication p = 0.013), which has ...