


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 2024/6/9 -They can run large depending on the resolution and frame-rate, but I would highly recommend using them instead of x264 for this purpose. Upvote 10. Downvote

    2024/6/1 -It is mutually exclusive with --crf option, which means you can not use both at the same time. x264 Preset​. When exporting a H.264 video, you can use the ...

    2024/6/16 -x264-BAJSKORV, We also went with crf 22 as the rules still have no clear definition as to what qualifies as plain reality versus competitive reality.

    2024/5/27 -... x264=3.mkv ffmpeg -i input.720p.HEVC.x265.mkv -map_metadata -1 -map 0:0 -map ... crf 35). By visual estimation quality of original and converted videos ...

    2024/6/4 -264 is and its origins • What x264 is and why it's important • How x264 compares to other H. ... CRF). The downloadable report details: - Which delivers ...

    3日前 -... x264 encoding way for all the stuff you are watching. So for specific cases ... crf "18" -preset:v "veryfast" -fps_mode:v "cfr" -pix_fmt:v "yuv420p ...

    5日前 -OBS Studio offers two main types of encoders: software (x264) and hardware (NVENC, QuickSync, AMF). ... Rate Control: CQP or CRF is good for recording. CQP ...

    2024/6/10 -I got this command line: ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i input.png -i audio.m4a -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune stillimage -crf 18 -c:a copy -shortest -pix_fmt ...

    2024/5/29 -ffmpeg.exe -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i gource.ppm -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 gource.x264.mp4. Play with ...

    2024/6/5 -The 'crf' parameter ensures each frame receives the appropriate number of bits to maintain a consistent quality level. It is set the same way as for x264 or ...

    A.まず、1920×1080なら処理が遅いのは当然です。 そして、H.264圧縮でビットレート9000、6000、3000kbpsというのは高すぎでしょう。私の個人的な意見ですけどね。 まぁこの辺は、

    A.pasenaveさんへの回答 とりあえず、クリップ情報とプレイリストが作られなかったから エラーになったということしかわかりません。 その辺のパラメータをmultiAVCHDでいじりました? 本当