

2017/2/24 -The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality (and rate control) setting for the x264 and x265 encoders, and it's also available for ...

2023/9/23 -Note: The 0–51 CRF quantizer scale mentioned on this page only applies to 8-bit x264. When compiled with 10-bit support, x264's quantizer ...

2019/6/15 -The short answer is: no, you are not likely to get visual benefits, or at least none that most people will notice.

The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality setting for the x264 encoder. You can set the values between 0 and 51, where lower values would result ...

2022/6/26 -The CRF is just a level that you can adjust with the SAME profiles and same settings, means if you have x264 preset slow and x264 preset slower ...

2021/3/8 -Constant Rate Factor. It's a parameter used in the x264 and x265 open source encoders, and often exposed by the many tools that incorporate ...

A.まず、1920×1080なら処理が遅いのは当然です。 そして、H.264圧縮でビットレート9000、6000、3000kbpsというのは高すぎでしょう。私の個人的な意見ですけどね。 まぁこの辺は、

A.pasenaveさんへの回答 とりあえず、クリップ情報とプレイリストが作られなかったから エラーになったということしかわかりません。 その辺のパラメータをmultiAVCHDでいじりました? 本当

2010/12/25 -crf値は値が小さければ小さいほど画質がよくなるが、その分ファイルサイズは大きくなり、大きな値にすればするほどファイルサイズは小さくなるが、その分 ...

Two-Pass: Requires a bitrate. This defines the quality of the video. Youtube and Vimeo usually reduce your bitrate to 25mbs. So if it is higher, ...

2023/1/30 -You can open the command line with the process menu on the top. Then you can right click on the job you're processing, and click FFmpeg command, ...

2020/10/30 -In my experience slower presets uses higher bitrate at given crf-value than faster ones in x265, and the opposite is true for x264. So TS ...