

  • 最終更新日:24時間以内
  • 23時間前 -I am working on a reinforcement learning crate (rl) and am using burn to implement a deep Q network example. I am trying to use the AdamW optimizer, ...

    5時間前 -To address this challenge, we present an innovative maximum entropy Deep Q-Network (ME-DQN), which leverages an attention mechanism. The framework solves ...

    7時間前 -Comment 1: In this paper, a maximum entropy Deep Q-Network for dexterous grasping of multiple unknown objects based on the attention mechanism is presented.

    17時間前 -This work presents a preference-based experience sharing scheme, which allows for different policies in environments with weakly homogeneous agents and requires ...

    10時間前 -We employ a Deep Q-Network architecture with distributed prioritized replay buffer, enabling fully online agent training with accelerated experience ...

    16時間前 -This paper, explored the integration of reinforcement learning algorithms within the Seahorse Optimization Probability Education (SHOPE) framework to optimize ...

    4時間前 -Deep Q-Network (DQN) (2), Demand Forecasting (61), DenseNet (34), Dependency Parsing (5), Descriptive Analytics (3), Dialogue Management (1), Dialogue Systems ( ...

    14時間前 -请阅读更新版本,李玉喜:强化学习应用简述 我们已经见证了强化学习的一些突破,比如深度Q网络(Deep Q-Network, 缩写为DQN)、AlphaGo (也包括AlphaGo Zero和AlphaZero) ...

    20時間前 -Adaptive control of unmanned surface vehicle based on improved DDPG algorithm · USV / · deep reinforcement learning / · intelligent control / · trajectory tracking ...

    19時間前 -This research focuses on controlling a nonlinear system Rotary Inverted Pendulum (RIP) using one of the Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms Deep ...

