

2024/2/29 -1 Answer 1 · Your script ask ruser@'s password: Then I in password 1234 then I see [sudo] password for ruser: sending incremental ...

2020/7/28 -As long as that rsync command is the same every time, then it is fine. The only thing the attacker is able to do as root is run that above ...

Rsync over SSH using SUDO on the remote server. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

2016/9/25 -In several tutorials, I found the suggestion to first authorize to sudo remotely by running ssh -t $HOST sudo -v and then the following ...

2020/3/8 -It tells rsync to be executed with sudo on the remote system which we have configured to be permitted at the beginning of this short howto.

2016/8/24 -Sudo, Rsync, and Authentication Forwarding ... rsync will happy copy files between servers and will keep the ownership and permissions the same.

2020/7/20 -rsync is a fast and versatile command-line utility for synchronizing files and directories between two locations over a remote shell, ...

2015/8/31 -1 Answer 1 ... The strategy more simple is to log in the remoteserver and from there run the rsync command, with sudo privileges. I assume you are ...

2021/4/10 -The main complication here is that sudo on the remote side is going to ask for a password, which either requires an interactive terminal or a ...

2015/8/4 -Rsync between two hosts using sudo and a password prompt ... This works fine and prompts for the ssh password to log into the remote machine if ...

A.元々ルートで実行すればよいのじゃないですか /etc/crontab に 00 12 * * * root script_path と書けば正午にroot で実行されるのでは。 或いは、sudo

