

2018/8/7 -The simplest way to adjust your P values is to use the conservative Bonferroni correction method which multiplies the raw P values by the number ...

A separate adjusted P values is computed for each comparison in a family of comparisons. •The value of each adjusted P value depends on the entire family. The ...

Use for multiple comparisons in ANOVA, the adjusted p-value indicates which factor level comparisons within a family of comparisons (hypothesis tests) are ...

A separate adjusted P value is computed for each comparison in a family of comparisons. But the value of these adjusted P values depends on the entire family.

Another way to look at the difference is that a p-value of 0.05 implies that 5% of all tests will result in false positives. An FDR adjusted p-value (or q-value) ...

2021/9/28 -The simplest method is a so-called Bonferroni correction. This means multiplying the p-values by the number of hypotheses, in this case six, ...

A.質問する前に、そもそも検索してみましたか? http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1473686344 後、回答者が...

A.重回帰分析では、通常は複数個の連続値に対する回帰分析になります。 あくまで係数(偏回帰係数)を比較し、そのp値を検定するものです。 ロジスティック回帰分析において、確率の比(オッズ)の対数が線...

A.>38の説明変数があり、自由度10 3行目の一般的な見方,という意味で言えば, 「自由度が38と10」ということです。 F-statistic(F統計量,F値)は自由度が二つで,P値を計算し...

For studies with multiple outcomes, p-values can be adjusted to account for the multiple comparisons issue. The 'p.adjust( )' command in R calculates adjusted p ...

The adjustment methods include the Bonferroni correction ( "bonferroni" ) in which the p-values are multiplied by the number of comparisons. Less conservative ...

2022/7/18 -For multiple comparison tests, adjusted p-value usually means that the p-values of the individual comparisons are adjusted to maintain a ...

2023/7/13 -The calculation of adjusted p-values in the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure involves comparing each individual p-value to a critical value or ...