


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 2日前 -Adjust p-values for multiple comparisons. Description. Depending upon the pval_adjust method selected, the supplied p_values are compared against an adjusted ...

    3日前 -P-values adjusted for multiple hypothesis testing to limit FDR. Examples using mne.stats.bonferroni_correction #. Statistical inference. Statistical inference.

    6日前 -Volcano plot of the False Discovery Rate (FDR) corrected p-values from a t-test between the two sample groups after background subtraction and quartile ...

    4日前 -HI, I am doing DE analysis using DESEq2. I obtained the lists of DEGenes, however there are genes that do not show any p.values. Additionally there are genes ...

    5日前 -BH - the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure (or: the FDR procedure) ranks all p-values you received from a statistical test with multiple comparisons, and adjusts ...

    4日前 -Description. Adjust p-values and confidence intervals estimated via GPC for multiple comparisons. Usage. BuyseMultComp( object, cluster = NULL, linfct = NULL,.

    A.質問する前に、そもそも検索してみましたか? http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1473686344 後、回答者が...

    A.重回帰分析では、通常は複数個の連続値に対する回帰分析になります。 あくまで係数(偏回帰係数)を比較し、そのp値を検定するものです。 ロジスティック回帰分析において、確率の比(オッズ)の対数が線...

    A.>38の説明変数があり、自由度10 3行目の一般的な見方,という意味で言えば, 「自由度が38と10」ということです。 F-statistic(F統計量,F値)は自由度が二つで,P値を計算し...

    6時間前 -my original hypothesis is that total hippocampus size (on the right) is smaller on major depressive disorder patients than healthy controls. but after looking ...

    4時間前 -In this article, we show that the parameters of the probabilistic index model can be estimated using generalized estimating equations, for which adjustments ...

    2日前 -No adjusted p-value will be calculated ... The x-axis represents the log fold change, and the y-axis represents the negative log10 of the adjusted p-value.

    6日前 -Adjusted p value is displayed on the right. Highlighted in red are genes with a logFC ≥ 0.5. E Violin plots of significantly DE YAP downstream targets ...