


  • 最終更新日:24時間以内
  • 11時間前 -One way is to adjust the minimum Bayes factor with additional information to approximate an exact Bayes factor, especially for moderate to large sample sizes, ...

    22時間前 -... adjusted p-value. Submission date, Dec 26, 2023. Last update date, Jun 22, 2024. Contact name, Naser Elmi Ghiasi. E-mail(s), naser.elmi@gmail.com. Organization ...

    18時間前 -a Venn diagram showing the number of genes, whose expression was modified in a statistically significant manner (adjusted P value <0.05) for the three depicted ...

    18時間前 -Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) included for the downstream analysis had adjusted p-values < 0.05. Genes with a low normalized count value (< 50) were ...

    20時間前 -All tests consider a significant p-value. <0.05. +Adjusted standardized ... square test followed by residual analysis, +Adjusted standardized residual > 1.96; - ...

    7時間前 -The x-axis enlist the log2 fold change value representing the mean expression value of each gene, while the y-axis is the level of significance (adjusted p- ...

    19時間前 -The augmentation method turns a vector of p-values which are already adjusted for FWER control into p-values that are adjusted for gFWER, FDX or FDR. The ...

    21時間前 -The y-axis shows the observed gene set p value for a given p value threshold ... adjusted all pvalues to account for these three. separate tests across GO ...

    11時間前 -Welch's t-test with adjusted p value was used to analyze differences in expression levels between normal and tumors (****: p ≤ 0.0001; ***: p ≤ 0.001; **: p ...

    16時間前 -Note: Positive selection tests performed using HyPhy BUSTED, p-values adjusted for multiple testing with a Benjamini-Hochberg correction. Gene ontology terms ...

    A.質問する前に、そもそも検索してみましたか? http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1473686344 後、回答者が...

    A.重回帰分析では、通常は複数個の連続値に対する回帰分析になります。 あくまで係数(偏回帰係数)を比較し、そのp値を検定するものです。 ロジスティック回帰分析において、確率の比(オッズ)の対数が線...

    A.>38の説明変数があり、自由度10 3行目の一般的な見方,という意味で言えば, 「自由度が38と10」ということです。 F-statistic(F統計量,F値)は自由度が二つで,P値を計算し...