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    2024/5/7 -The simplest adjustment method is called Bonferroni correction: each p value is multiplied by the number of null hypotheses tested, in this case, six. Each ...

    2024/5/8 -The simplest adjustment method is called Bonfer- roni correction: each p value is multiplied by the number of null hypotheses tested, in this case, six. Each ...

    2024/5/2 -Do not only report P-values (a mistake frequently made in abstracts). · P is always italicized and capitalized. · Do not use 0 before the decimal point for ...

    5日前 -pval – an enrichment p-value;. • padj – a BH-adjusted p-value;. • ES – enrichment score, same as in Broad GSEA implementation;. • NES – enrichment score ...

    2024/5/5 -Adjust p-Value for Multiple Tests. Description. Given an AssocTestResultRanges object, this method adds a metadata column with adjusted p-values.

    2024/5/14 -A Bonferroni adjusted p-value can be calculated by multiply each p- value with the number of performed tests (i.e. ). Interpretation: If we perform  ...

    2024/4/29 -The quantile-quantile plot shows the \(-log_{10}\) transformed P-values. Default values are raw, not controlled for bias and inflation, z-scores and P-values.

    2024/4/23 -I would like to understand 1. which adjustment I should perform here. 2. how to decide which test I should perform for any other analysis (what is the reasoning) ...

    2024/4/25 -The unadjusted p-values are presented and using the Bonferroni correction would require a p < 0.0167 to be significant. In addition, 98.3% Confidence Intervals ...

    2024/5/1 -... adjusted p-value is too confusing for product labels. So most of the time, the actual original p-values are presented and then they're identified as either ...

    A.質問する前に、そもそも検索してみましたか? http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1473686344 後、回答者が...

    A.重回帰分析では、通常は複数個の連続値に対する回帰分析になります。 あくまで係数(偏回帰係数)を比較し、そのp値を検定するものです。 ロジスティック回帰分析において、確率の比(オッズ)の対数が線...

    A.>38の説明変数があり、自由度10 3行目の一般的な見方,という意味で言えば, 「自由度が38と10」ということです。 F-statistic(F統計量,F値)は自由度が二つで,P値を計算し...
