

To get the Bonferroni corrected/adjusted p value, divide the original α-value by the number of analyses on the dependent variable. The researcher assigns a new ...

In Bonferroni's method, the idea is to divide this family wise error rate (0.05) among the k tests. So each test is done at the α/k level. We will use the t ...

Suppose one were testing some number K of potential associations, and after Bonferroni correction, J associations were rejected at the α/K significance level.

第(k-1)順位の帰無仮説が棄却されたならば、第k順位の有意水準をα/(N+1-k)にします。p値 < α/(N+1-k)となる最大のkを見つけ出し、第1~k順位の帰無仮説を棄却し、第(k+ ...

In simple terms, the Bonferroni correction helps maintain the overall significance level by dividing the desired significance level (α) by the number of tests ...

α* = 1 – (1 – α)1/k. on each test to achieve an overall significance level of α. This is called the Dunn-Sidàk correction. Since α* ≈ α/k, an α/k correction ...

2020/10/3 -The Bonferroni correction is meant to achieve a certain aim. If you have k tests and a level of α ...

The level of significance parameter α can be corrected to reflect the testing of multiple hypotheses. One commonly used statistical correction is the Bonferroni ...

Two kinds of Bonferroni procedures are commonly used. One is the standard Bonferroni procedure, where a modified significant criterion (α/k where k is the ...

Details: The Bonferroni adjustment is conservative because the actual overall significance level is usually less than the nominal level α. Starting with Version ...