
  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/1/28 -せっかく使用人として成長し始めたし紗音や熊沢さんとも仲良くやっていたのに、あっさり魔女に転向してしまった。そこまでは現実的にストーリーを進められてきたから、これ ...

    2024/1/30 -クレルの語りで葬儀を終えたのに、ベルンが遺体のハラワタをぶち撒けていく最悪展開。 甥っ子姪っ子を一人ひとり呼び出し消していく留弗夫と霧江。 霧江の子供への愛情の無 ...

    2024/4/20 -ストーリー解説 編集. 本シリーズは、孤島、六軒島 ... EP7, the executioner, -, zts. EP8, 白夢の繭 ~Ricordando il ... うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode7 - Requiem of the ...

    登場人物-Legend of the golden witch-Turn of the golden witch

    2023/12/13 -I had a feeling this was Ange's world story as soon as I saw that Eva lived the gunshot from Kyrie. Other than that, man I still feel completely lost. A large ...

    2024/4/12 -(以下、ストーリーの核心的なネタバレ。未プレイの方は見ないことを推奨します。) 「推理ゲーム」概念からの逸脱. 本作のシナリオは基本的に、出題者(多くの場合は ...

    2024/2/23 -In Umineko, it's a lot more complex than Higurashi due to how much more story elements it has. The first thing is that there is two sides to reality, one ...

    うみねこ、格ゲーだったwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ... [PS4] 黄金夢想曲CROSS ストーリーモードまとめ 3. 七 ... #EP7-1【実況】. ダスト•17K views.


    2023/12/22 -EP7's main story ending is a big one for Clair and Lion. Did you really think Bernkastel will give everyone a happy ending? Hostile Show Takeover - Played ...



    3日前 -The entire story of Umineko is a struggle for those who experienced horrors to be able to come to terms with their memories and process them. This is true for ...

    2023/12/3 -Much like Maria in her diary, Sayo's narration of her story in EP7 tries to attenuate the misery of her situation as much as possible with various coping ...