


  • 最終更新日:24時間以内
  • 16時間前 -I need help on getting the right and equivalent command to: ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i input.png -i audio.m4a -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune…

    3時間前 -Before encoding, ffmpeg can process raw audio and video frames using ... crf 45 -f null - \ -threads 3 -dec 0:0 \ -filter_complex '[0:v][dec:0]hstack ...

    11時間前 -Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is mainly secreted from the hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei and plays a crucial role in stress-related responses.

    16時間前 -... crf 18 -c:a copy -shortest -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mkv. I'm currently using ... Is there image encoding command that will be equivalent to: ffmpeg -loop ...

    19時間前 -We use 16 paragraph sequences for the BiLSTM encoding-decoding and CRF decoding. Naturally, the CRF model is better able to capture the long range dependencies ...

    13時間前 -... encode with: preset slow, crf 24, and tune animation or film as appropriate. Copy audio if aac, 2 channel, and bitrate is less than 160k otherwise: force 2 ...


    A.まず、1920×1080なら処理が遅いのは当然です。 そして、H.264圧縮でビットレート9000、6000、3000kbpsというのは高すぎでしょう。私の個人的な意見ですけどね。 まぁこの辺は...

    A.Xmedia recodeはそもそもアプリとしてきついような気がします。 AviUtil+x264GuiExを使ってはどうでしょうか。 とりあえずはビットレートなどは一切いじらず、 プリセット...

    9時間前 -Hello, I was encoding my show from Bluray h264 DTS 5.1 to av1 opus 5.1 and used this command: ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda -i input.mkv -map 0:v:0 -c:v…

    9時間前 -I am developing an KMP application, and as a part of it I need to record incoming udp stream to mkv file. My code works fine for x264 streams but for x265 ...

    9時間前 -New Innovations in Content-Aware Encoding are Transforming Video Streaming. Over the last few years, video streaming consumption has accelerated rapidly.

    Video Encoding-Video Streaming-About Us-Adjust Brightness and Contrast...

    1時間前 -Filtering in FFmpeg is enabled through the libavfilter library. In libavfilter, a filter can have multiple inputs and multiple outputs. To illustrate the sorts ...