
2015/10/23 -World's leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more.

Local Time ; 9, Japan, JL7KGW ; 10, Japan, JS1HEO ; 11, Japan, JH5UVK ...

たとえば、車に GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter HF transceiver そしてトラッカーと呼ばれる小さなマイコンを搭載し、速度や移動方向をパケットにして送信します。その ...

I'd like to use Inrico B01 Bluetooth Microphone in dvswitch mobaile. But PTT KEY CODE isn't understood. Please tell someone to me. Hiro JL7KGW ...

Local Time ; 9, Japan, JL7KGW ; 10, Japan, JS1HEO ; 11, Japan, JH5UVK ...

JL7KGW, DVSW, JL7KGW Z / XLX698, 07.05.2024 17:45, B. 5, Korea Republic of, HL2ZJS, AMBE, HL2ZJS A, 07.05.2024 16:03, K. 6, Japan, JH5UVK, PNUT ...

2020/10/7 -T his is theopening screen of Alinco DJ-MD5 designed by JL7KGW. My digital wireless car. BlueDV for Android + ICOM ID-4100. This is BlueDV ...


この度JL7KGW 佐々木さんから IC-9700にRaspberry PI ZEROを取り付けて走るNoraGatewayのソフトウエアを変更して IC-705とRaspberry PIで動作するNoraGatewayのソフト ...