

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/6/19 -【超昂大戦】キャラ紹介「ブライド・エクシール」「神騎ハニーエル」,イベント「天空の花嫁神騎」開催!,超昂大戦月間ブログ 2024年7月号,【超昂大戦】キャラ ...

    2023/7/2 -So excited! I actually wanted this translated but was never expecting it to happen since its been so long. Ixseal has one of my favorite designs. ... (The website ...

    2023/8/21 -Beat Valkyrie Ixseal · Beat Wars Escalation Heroines. Back. Other Titles · RPG ... (c)アリスソフト Box art. Brand, Alice Soft. Release date, 1992-12-21. Genre ...

    2024/3/2 -Beat Valkyrie Ixseal · Beat Wars ... Pachikar. Japanese, パチカル. Romanization, pāchikaru. TT2-Pachikar-character. (c)アリスソフト.

    2023/7/2 -The exciting new title in Alicesoft's Beat series - Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - is coming your way! Oudou Tsuguhiko is a student who believes he is the ...

    2024/5/16 -All the latest game footage and images from Beat Valkyrie Ixseal by Alicesoft | 2017 · Beat Valkyrie Ixseal screenshot 2 · Beat Valkyrie Ixseal screenshot 2 · Beat ...

    2023/7/1 -But in the midst of this wait, Oudou is attacked by a Valkyrie named Ixseal, who is tasked with taking his life. Then, following an escape, he's betrayed by his ...

    2023/11/22 -亜種に重装甲な代わりに機動性は下がったアーマードバルキリーがいる。 神風. 和風の弓使いの女の子モンスター。 ランス5Dまで遠距離物理系の中では最強クラスの女の子 ...

    2023/10/23 -Monster: As showed in ingame Tips, they are 4x stronger, some can even ohko your characters even with proper equipment (for example Valkyrie can 5000~10000 ...

    2023/7/2 -the exciting new title in Alicesoft's Beat series - Beat Valkyrie Ixseal! ... Alicesoft; Platform: Windows; Language: English text with Japanese voice; Genre ...

    A.そうですねえ。。。PSPしかお答えできないですが かまいたちの夜2・・・サウンドノベル、怖いかも ファンタシースターポータブル2・・・アクションRPG、わりとベタなキャラ、キャラクリエイト可 ペ...