

  • 最終更新日:24時間以内
  • 22時間前 -GreenhouseGeisser correction is used to correct the result of spherical violation. A series of 2 × 4 repeated measurement analyses of variance (R-ANOVA) ...

    15時間前 -A dependent t test was used for paired samples analysis and repeated measures ANOVA with a GreenhouseGeisser correction was performed for group comparisons of ...

    19時間前 -PDF | Longitudinal physical activity monitoring is a novel and promising objective outcome measure for patients with degenerative spine disorder (DSD).

    11時間前 -The present study investigated culture- and gender-differences in mother- and father-child reminiscing with 3-year old daughters and sons in urban middle-class ...

    21時間前 -Our results provide strong support for the representational account of interval timing. We provide a new theoretical account of these findings based on the “ ...

    19時間前 -If the assumption of sphericity is violated, there are several ways to address this issue. One way is to use a correction factor called the Greenhouse-Geisser ...

