


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 19時間前 -Download Genymotion Desktop for PC & Mac M1/M2. Available for Windows 10/11, macOS Ventura and Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora Workstation).

    2日前 -After trying to install the flatpak on multiple distros (Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu ... emulator. Any ... There is only a single proper PS3 emu, and that is RPCS3.

    2日前 -Ryujinx is an open-source Nintendo Switch emulator.

    2日前 -How to find out KVM version in Linux. Type the following command as per your Linux distros. Some commands are generic and works on distros. Debian/Ubuntu Linux.

    2日前 -Cxbx-Reloaded is an emulator for running Microsoft Xbox (and eventually, Chihiro) games on Microsoft Windows and Wine. System Requirements. Minimum. OS: Windows ...

    6日前 -This page lists known issues, workarounds, and troubleshooting tips for the Android Emulator. If you encounter an issue not listed here or are unable to ...

    2日前 -xenia is an open source research project for emulating Xbox 360 games on modern PCs. Code and content are covered under a BSD license. We build this for fun.

    1日前 -Providing internet application screenshots since 1997! Chasms was setup as a site to help people and technicians. Since 1997 it has helped millions of people ...

    Ubuntu 10.10-Ubuntu 8.04-Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition-Mac Home V

    3日前 -VICE is an emulator collection which emulates the C64, the C64-DTV, the C128, the VIC20, practically all PET models, the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610).

    Files-45 Reviews-Support

    6日前 -PenguiNet's Rikki & Vikki is a special 7800 game, you have to add extra code to the emulator to make it work. The developers of MAME never considered buying ...

    A.その三者はデスクトップ環境が異なってるだけ。 実際にアプリ使う上では、なんら変わりはありません。 あるのはデスクトップ環境の違いによるハードへの負荷状態。 一番重いUnityを使用してる「...

    A.Linux上でexeファイルを起動させる常套手段として Wine http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine というソフトがあります。 Ubuntuも公式パッケージを用意...

    A.作成・編集するには端末から $ gksudo gedit /etc/modules $ gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/radeon.conf みたいにします。