


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/5/22 -Cocos Creator has a built-in universal animation system for implementing keyframe-based animations. In addition to standard moving, rotation, scaling and frame ...

    2024/1/15 -... CocoStudio. Contents. 1 Sprites and scenes; 2 Features. 2.1 Animation; 2.2 GUI; 2.3 Physics system; 2.4 Audio; 2.5 Scripting support; 2.6 Editor support. 2.6.1 ...

    5日前 -The animation data in the csd files will be imported as .anim files. The File Structure after the project imported: The resources will be stored in a separate ...

    2024/3/7 -アニメーションさせる上で必要な機能は揃っていて、Unityの標準アニメーションシステムのMecanimによく似た作りになっている。 UnityにおけるAnimationControllerは ...

    2024/5/3 -Test d'animation du jour, en mode chill à la cool Y a des sons qui vous donnent envie de bouger ...

    2023/10/19 -This is a fighting-platformer game. The game has been under development since. November 2020. We use cocos2d-x 3.17.2. For animations we use CocoStudio 1.2.

    2023/8/18 -基于Cocos2d-x 4.0,打造易用稳定的Cocos2d-x lua引擎。 lua luajit cocos2d-x spine dragonbones cocostudio. Updated last week; C++ ...

    2023/11/9 -#graphics #motion #animation #website #design ... Logos, flyers to animation & websites etc. Give ... Give us a call directly at +1 767 265 6904 or drop us a DM ...

    2023/7/23 -GifAnimation 实现将GIF动画转换为cocos2d-x帧动画,支持cocos2d-x3.0以上版本,支持跨平台。 cocos 代码运行帧动画,省去生成animation clip包的烦恼 · @property({ type ...

    2024/5/16 -I'm offering my services as an artist. As an artist I specialize in anime/manga style, although I also know a little about semi-realistic style.