


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2023/9/17 -With an epic-sized space operaic plot, gorgeous graphics, top-notch space combat action, optional missions and multiple endings, and virtually unlimited ...

    パリオリンピック2024(パリ五輪)・グループC第2節が28日に行われ、なでしこジャパン(日本女子代表)はブラジル女子代表と対戦した。 なでしこジャパンが、パリでの初勝利を目指して第2節に臨む。現地時間25日に...


    キャッシュレス決済が推進され、現金の取り扱いが少なくなっている中、三井住友銀行が銀行とスターバックスを融合させるという新たな取り組みを始めた。 カルチュア・コンビニエンス・クラブ(CCC)との共同企画で、...


    2023/11/27 -A casual port of a GlovePIE script that I found online. This guide is mainly aimed at programmers. http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?topic=85880.10; ...

    This is the fourteenth and final single mission from the Freespace 2 Game of the Year edition. The SD Hamtek, a Lucifer class destroyer, is blockading an ...

    YouTube-Paladin Gaming

    2023/9/17 -To use FreeSpace 2 Open only the the retail data files are needed (*.VP files). This makes it possible for user to 'install' or extract the vp files from the ...

    2023/8/8 -Freespace 2 was my only space sim, but the immersion it provides was crazy good. The voice acting, mission briefing, general story, etc., are top notch. You ...

    2023/11/3 -The latest version of FreeSpace Open, 3.6.10, has been released by the Source Code Project. Along with the 3.6.10 MediaVPs, it enhances FreeSpace to provide you ...

    This is the tenth single mission from the Freespace 2 Game of the Year edition. Our scouts have located the GVD Hedetet, leading a rebel Vasudan battlegroup ...

    YouTube-Paladin Gaming

    2023/8/6 -Freespace 1 and Freespace 2 are one of the best space-sims in history. Impressive gameplay, which features ships of enormous size, interesting story and great ...

    2023/11/27 -A casual port of a GlovePIE script that I found online. This guide is mainly aimed at programmers. http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?topic=85880.10; ...

    2024/2/25 -FreeSpace 2 was the sequel to Descent: FreeSpace - The Great War. The first game was unrelated to the Descent series and only used the name to avoid conflict ...