
  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2023/12/12 -単純型 (順序型と実数型) は構造を持たない型ですが、Pascal には構造を持つ型として 構造化型 (構造データ型) とポインタ型があります。Delphi には他にも文字列型、 ...

    2024/1/31 -You cannot directly pass enumeration type to your function. You need to get its type info first by calling TypeInfo on it.

    2024/4/11 -Yellow,. I have about following situation procedure TMyThingy.SetEnumPropertyValue(const AValue: string); var LContext: TRttiContext; LRtttiType: TRttiType; ...

    2023/12/12 -Turbo Pascal や 初代 Delphi の String 型もこのパスカル文字列でした。 ... 短い文字列型は Turbo Pascal 3.0 までの文字列型です。 ... 索引. :ramen: [ ← 5. 列挙型と部分 ...

    2023/12/22 -The FPC allows Delphi-style explicit definition of indices by following member identifiers with an equal sign and an integer value: type sign = (negative = -1 ...

    2024/2/9 -TCallConv is an enumeration type whose values describe the possible calling conventions supported by Delphi. The TCallConv value meanings are listed in the ...

    2023/11/30 -Delphi. In addition to standard Pascal, one may ... ' FB 1.05.0 Win64 Enum Animals Cat Dog Zebra End Enum Enum ... needs enum 0 enum| apple banana carrot | 10 enum| ...

    2024/1/11 -TBiDiMode. Up to Parent: System.Classes. Delphi. TBiDiMode = (bdLeftToRight, bdRightToLeft, bdRightToLeftNoAlign, bdRightToLeftReadingOnly);. C++. enum ...

    EndType - angusj.com

    1. https://angusj.com
    2. Units
    3. Clipper
    4. Types
    5. EndType
    1. https://angusj.com
    2. Units
    3. Clipper
    4. Types
    5. EndType

    2023/12/21 -Delphi type TEndType = (etPolygon, etJoined, etButt, etSquare, etRound);. C++ enum EndType {Polygon, Joined, Butt, Square, Round};. C# public enum EndType ...

    2023/8/31 -TdxRichEditDocumentFormat is a scoped enumeration type. Use the type name together with a scope resolution token ( . in Delphi or :: in C ...