

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/4/16 -シンクポイント300を使用して、ランダムで取得できるソウルリンク専用のスキルです。 シンクレベル, レベルが上昇することでダメージリミットの補正値が上昇、10レベル毎に ...

    2024/8/1 -自身を含む、周辺のチームメイトのHPを持続して回復する。 (※2秒毎 HP15%、最大回復量HP5000), [MT]範囲/位置指定, 1, 持続5分, 41x41 ...

    2024/4/27 -This wiki serves as a database for Crave Saga and provides translated information on the game's contents to help English-speaking players.

    2024/5/6 -Transformice is a free online multiplayer game created by Melibellule and Tigrounette owned by Atelier 801. The objective of this game is to collect cheese ...

    2024/2/17 -SCP-5796 is a dating website, named Soulmate Connection Program, that is exclusively accessible via Foundation servers.

    2024/2/24 -Just right-click and “Select Soulmate” on anyone on the island. Finish your Guide Quest and earn your very first Doki Doki Celebration Box by talking to Wenger ...

    2024/1/25 -Lyrically, "Willow" is a love song that sees Swift invite her soulmate into her life, making use of several metaphors. Its chorus consists of ...

    2024/8/25 -Synopsis: You are a party of adventurers. Well, no. You once knew a party of adventurers. Perhaps a member was your spouse. Or your childhood friend.

    2024/7/14 -This wiki serves as a database for Crave Saga and provides translated information on the game's contents to help English-speaking players.

    2023/10/21 -They only shared one soul. Zeus thought they would become to powerful and separated them into one but their souls were split. This is a histories old tale. It ...