

2016/4/5 -The C++ does not support the so-called designator. Initialization that is allowed in C. So the compiler issues a message.

2021/7/13 -Hi, Everyone I am B.S.S.SRIKAR recently I was making a project which will move backward when we will move close to it, just like a runner or ...

2021/3/22 -I'm trying to use images in LVGL. I've converted it via the online converter just as the docu says. I've tried this once before but moved on ...

2021/11/14 -So I'm trying to write this script for something and I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's throwing these errors.

2021/5/17 -1 Answer 1 ... You have two commas in the command when making the lcd object: LiquidCrystal lcd(13,,12,11,10,9,8);. Probably just a typo, delete ...

error: expected primary-expression before ';' token Welcome to my channel. Please Subscribe, like and share. It is greatly appreciated.

YouTube-Legendary Computer Programmer

2017/9/13 -Hi, I have a problem with this : "expected primary-expression before ')' token" Help me please Thanks [Screenshot (76)]

2019/11/13 -error: expected primary-expression before '[' token ... Try cout'ing the variable length. Just to make sure that something actually got into the ...

2017/5/3 -As I understand it, in c++ protected virtual member functions are designed to be overridden; however, I cannot get past the compile error.

2018/7/29 -You seem to have been programming in Java recently, because many of your errors have a Java 'whiff' to them. This, as you've tagged, is C++, ...

A.本題の前に。 g++でコンパイルってことで、C言語じゃなくてC++として扱っていますけど、承知の上でしょうか。 これはCとC++で文法が変わっている箇所で、 構造体の型名は、Cでは struct

A.~解決方法~ (1)削除 以下の行を削除します。 std::unordered_map<int, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> (2...

A.試験してみました Arduino-IDE 1.0.6 では、「文字列の配列をFlashメモリに配置する例」のスケッチでコンパイル通りますが Arduino-IDE 1.6.8 では、下記の様に変...