

  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2025/1/11 -マイクロアレイ・チップと所定の試薬カートリッジを装填して、パネルのスタートを押せば全自動で測定し、検査データをパネルに表示、印刷します。測定時間は10-30分です。

    2024/12/4 -Something like this would not have been picked up by NIPT or FISH - Microarray can detect submicroscopic deletions and duplications, which is why it was able to ...

    2024/12/1 -検体に応じてマイクロアレイ実験. に最適な調製方法をご提案いたします。 詳細は弊社ホームページにてご確認ください。 納期:1 週間〜. GEO 登録サポート.

    2025/1/11 -We have developed a new microarray preparation method using new special photo-reactive polymers. The microarray chips have covalently immobilized biopolymers.

    2024/12/19 -本サービスでは、glycoRNA の生化学的捕捉方法とマイクロアレイによる RNA 検出を組み合わせて、glycoRNA 発現を定量およびプロファイリングします。これら 2 つの高度な ...

    2025/2/5 -RBM_F: a R function for microarray and RNA-Seq data analysis for designs with more than two groups. Description. Use A Resampling-Based Empirical Bayes ...

    2025/2/10 -Hänzelmann, S., Castelo, R. and Guinney, J. GSVA: Gene set variation analysis for microarray and. RNA-Seq data. BMC Bioinformatics, 14:7, 2013.

    2025/1/12 -The 'byPeak' function in the TRIAGE R package was used to calculate the average gene expression for each TRIAGE peak. Subsequently, TRIAGEgene was applied to ...

    2024/11/30 -We propose Microarray Integrated Spatial Transcriptomics (MIST), combining conventional tissue microarray (TMA) with Visium, using laser-cutting and 3D ...

    2025/1/31 -Description Imputation for microarray data (currently KNN only). Maintainer Balasubramanian Narasimhan <naras@stat.Stanford.EDU>. Depends R (>= 2.10). License ...