

2019/2/15 -When it comes to programming, I am a complete and utter noob. I am trying to automate Trimmomatic to cut the adapters and improve quality on ...

Trimmomatic: A flexible trimmer for Illumina Sequence Data. Bioinformatics, btu170. Downloading Trimmomatic. starting on version 0.40 we also offer a github ...

Provides a variety of options for trimming Illumina FASTQ files of adapter sequences and low-quality reads. - Trimmomatic/manifest at master ...

Trimmomatic is a flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data. For more information, please check its website: https://biocontainers.pro/tools/trimmomatic ...

2022/11/16 -Hi, I have tried running some RNAseq datasets on Trimmomatic but they keep failing. The error I get when clicking on the bug icon is the ...

We will use a program called Trimmomatic to filter poor quality reads and trim poor quality bases from our samples. Trimmomatic options. Trimmomatic has a ...

2023/5/15 -All raw data was trimmed by Trimmomatic (v.0.39), aligned to the reference genome hg38 and gene annotations from GENCODE.vM20 of Homo ...

Trimmomatic performs a variety of useful trimming tasks for illumina paired-end and single ended data. The selection of trimming steps and their associated ...

An integrated pipeline for neoantigen prediction from NGS data. Authors: Zhan Zhou, Jingcheng Wu, Xingzheng Lyu, Jianan Ren Date: July 2021. Version: 2.0.1

2021/11/9 -Low-quality bases and adapter sequences were trimmed with Trimmomatic. The trimmed reads were mapped to the human reference genome GRCh38 (see ...