

linux.png Snes9x v1.62.3. Super Nintendo emulator for Linux. GTK2-based GUI, OpenGL support, gamepads, network play, saves, video filters and ...

2017/9/6 -If you've got the hardware for it, Higan is probably your best bet. It's a 100% accurate SNES emulator, so it takes a bit of processing power to ...

Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and ...

SNES-OS. High level Linux-like OS Running on a SNES. The OS is intended to be used with a custom cart with the bios and other requirements.

Setting up a SNES emulator on Linux is an uncomplicated process, and with bsnes you can quickly configure, install, and play classic Super Nintendo titles on ...

Mesen is a multi-system emulator for Windows and Linux. It supports NES, SNES, Game Boy (Color), Game Boy Advance, PC Engine and SMS games.

Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and ...

SNES games emulator. [About] [News] [Files] ... ZSNES is a Super Nintendo emulator programmed by zsKnight and _Demo_. ... It currently runs on Windows, Linux, ...

Files-Links-News-ROM Compatibility Statistics

Snes9x is a portable, freeware super nintendo entertainment system (snes) emulator. it basically allows you to play most games designed for the snes and ...

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), known as the Super Famicom in Japan, is a 16-bit fourth-generation home video-game console released by Nintendo ...

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A.Linux MintかXubuntuをお勧めします。 どのディストリビューションでも条件は満たせますが、 方法はご自分で調べてください。

A.zsnesの設定ファイルを作りなおしてみてはどうですかね。多分、~/.zsnesのなかにある*.cfgが設定ファイルです。一旦削除してzsnesを起動しなおせば設定ファイルが作り直されるはず。 ...