
2014/7/24 -The detailed answer is that the Tukey HSD is a proper "post hoc" test whereas the Bonferroni test is for planned comparisons. The Bonferroni ...

2020/2/16 -Bonfferoni is extremely conservative for comparisons so it should only be used for ~3 groups ie 6 comparisons, anything after that and your ...

†pair-wised comparisons were performed and p-value adjusted by bonfferoni correction. More » · Fig 1 Expand. Table 3. Medicine prescribed with PPIs. More ...

This study was undertaken to apply a new method of controlling type I error when performing pairwise comparisons. The Benjamini and Hochberg false discovery ...

多重比較法の手続きの1つです.Bonferroniの方法などと呼ばれます.ある検定で得られた有意確率p値をBonferroniの補正によって修正すると,多重比較の問題[→多重比較 ...

Research on the Application Effect of Four-Track Teaching Method in the Hospital Internship of Biomedical Engineering Based on Bonfferoni and LSD Test Analysis.

Each dot represents one mouse, and values indicate mean ± SEM, one-way ANOVA followed by Bonfferoni post-hoc test. ... Bonfferoni post-hoc test. * P < 0.05 ...

Boxplots of metabolites between normal and cervical cancer. Post-hoc multiple comparisons using Bonfferoni method was performed for significant difference.

2022/1/5 -Significant difference after Bonfferoni correction for multiple testing. e Neurological manifestation was referred to the peripheral nervous ...

検定総数がNの場合、それぞれの検定の有意水準をαからα/Nに変更する方法が、Bonferroni法です。検定総数が20ならば、20個の検定全てにおいて、有意水準を0.05/20 = 0.0025 ...