

2012/7/16 -When I compile my program, I get the following error message: stringPerm.cpp: In function 'int main()': stringPerm.cpp:12: error: expected primary-expression ...

Ive been getting that error a lot and I have no idea what it means. For example: the code below is supposed to print the three integer values in the array ...

2021/3/23 -My issue is that on line 63 when I call the function, it gives me an error "expected primary expression before 'double radius.' When I ...

2021/11/14 -I'm trying to write this script for something and I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's throwing these errors.

2021/3/22 -I'm trying to use images in LVGL. I've converted it via the online converter just as the docu says. I've tried this once before but moved on, ...

2020/8/2 -I have a nested "switch" statement in a function. Every time I try to compile, I get the error "expected primary-expression before ')' token".

A.トークン '=' の前に、一次式が必要です。 という意味です。 トークン '=' というのは、プログラムの一部分で = という記号が書かれている部分のこと。 (== とか != は除く。あく...

A.'ほにゃらら'の直前にあったのがNULLであった、ということでしょうか? とりあえず'ほにゃらら'の直前あるいはさらに少し前で未定義の型や変数を使っていないか、というあたりが目のつけどころにな...

2021/3/2 -The error message that you get: expected primary expression before '(' token. is notorious for not necessarily occurring on that line, but being a knock-on ...

2021/4/23 -Describe the bug. Compile error if use call LOG_DBG(...) from cpp code. Error example: error: expected primary-expression before 'char'.

2017/9/13 -Hi, I have a problem with this : "expected primary-expression before ')' token" Help me please Thanks [Screenshot (76)]

2015/2/26 -In this case INT has to be capitalized, since it is a #defined macro and not the type as such.