

  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2024/6/26 -Packages are built in a number of stages. The first six corre‐ spond to the following sections in a spec file: %prep, %gener‐ ate_buildrequires, %build, % ...

    2024/6/24 -tableauprepでの出力でのみ上書きができない状況なのですがアクセス権などが異なるのかご存じでしょうか? フローの上書きは可能です。 Expand Post. Upvote ...

    2024/6/19 -How can I get those variables listed to contain a default value? If I do a %define myname my_name it will always contain this value no matter what I pass in via ...

    2024/6/24 -Packages are built in a number of stages. The first six correspond to the following sections in a spec file: %prep, %generate_buildrequires, %build, %install, % ...

    2024/6/25 -The macros are applied within the %prep directive in the Body section of the RPM SPEC file. Alternatively, you can use the %autopatch macro which ...

    2024/8/19 -This section describes predefined RPM macros used in the SUSE packages. Some of them are generic RPM macros. Some are SUSE-specific macros.

    2024/8/30 -Support for spec-local file attributes and generators (#782); The %prep section is now implemented as a regular build scriptlet (instead of being treated ...

    2024/7/22 -トライアル版のTableau Prepを使用してあるcsvファイルをデータソースとして接続し、加工してcsvファイルへ出力するフローを作成しています。 パフォーマンス測定の ...

    2024/8/19 -Custom Scripts: Use pre-install and post-install scripts in the spec file to perform custom actions during package installation. Automatic Dependency Resolution ...

    2024/7/29 -Adds an end preparation table to the Miscellaneous folder in Catalog Data. The end preparation table records the end preparation data for all the components ...