

cocos2d-x is a cross platform open source free 2D game engine for mobile gamedev, that is fast and stable, easy to learn and use.

Cocos 2d-x aims to provide developers with stable and mature cross-platform solutions. Compatible with 99.7% of Android devices and most mainstream ...

Cocos2d-x is an open-source and cross platform open source free 2D game engine for mobile game development known for its speed, stability, and easy of use.

iOS and Android cocos2d-x samples for the Firebase C++ SDK. Status. Status: Archived. This sample is no longer actively maintained and is left here for ...

Cocos-benchmark is a benchmark for cocos2d, which is designed to compare different engine versions of the same platform, different platforms to each ...

2024/6/3 -Cocos2d-x User Guide ​. Cocos Creator is a new type of game development tool oriented towards content creation that has completely ...

The official cocos2d C++ client handles all communication in real-time with the server. It implements all features in the server and is written with C++11.

We are a renowned game development company that specializes in creating addictive games. Our Cocos2d-x game developers have expertise on sprites, game physics, ...

2021/1/21 -I am working on a Cocos2d-x C++ project and I want to integrate Firebase Crashlytics. I have added Crashlytics as the documentation suggests, ...

Cocos2d is an open-source game development framework for creating 2D games and other graphical software for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Linux, HarmonyOS, ...

A.vdw4wtgsd4さん iPhone、Androidの両対応のアプリ開発ね 私もWebアプリ向けで、似た要件の開発環境を探しています。 回答されそうな雰囲気が無いので、呼び水にでもなれば良か...