
This Site Proxomitron.Info was established to provide information and resources for the Proxomitron, along with the latest versions of Scott's program. · The ...

Files-Proxomitron 4.5 -- May vs. June-News-Tests

Proxomitron, the Universal Web Filter, is a filtering web proxy written by Scott R. Lemmon. This program was originally designed to run under Windows 95.

Alternative OpenSSL Installer -- last (older) OpenSSL version natively compatible with Naoko 4.5 -- compiled by Shining Light Productions. Full installation of ...

Basically, Proximodo is a clone of a great piece of software called The Proxomitron, developed by Scott R. Lemmon. Now that for sad reasons Proxomitron is ...

News. Latest Proxomitron and Forum news will be posted here. 92 ; General Discussion. Here is the forum where you can talk about anything you want. (With limits ...

2013/9/7 -Proxomitron は、Windows 上でローカルプロクシとして動作し、HTTP サーバからの情報を書き換えてからブラウザに渡すことで、ウェブサイトをさまざまに ...

2022/1/16 -Here I am going to document the steps it takes to configure a web browser to use Proxomitron as a web filter.

2003年6月、開発の終了を宣言し、公式サイトに「消えました」と日本語でメッセージを残して閉鎖した。その後、開発者のScott R. Lemmonは2004年5月1日に36歳で死去した。

This entry has information about the Windows startup entry named PROXOMITRON that points to the PROXOMITRON.EXE file. Please visit this result for more ...

2018/6/25 -Proxomitron is a local HTTP web-filtering proxy. It contains a powerful text matching engine specially designed to re-write web pages on the ...


Proxomitronは、Scott R. Lemmonが開発したWindows上で動作するプロキシソフトウェア。通称は「オミトロン」。 2003年6月、開発の終了...-Wikipedia