

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • The dagger is used in Fate/strange fake as a noble phantasm by an amputee police officer.

    A small dagger made from Damascus steel, the same as her armour. It has a sturdy guard to prevent your hands from getting injured during battles.

    「aor paradise」で取り扱う商品「DAGGER / Fate Of A Violent World」の紹介・購入ページ.

    It comes with two handy cards to track life and power. The Dagger is made for the cunning tactician, alternating feint attacks and premeditated strikes, meant ...


    トレーディングカード、フィギュア、プラモデル・模型、ミニ四駆・スロットカー、ラジコン、鉄道模型、エアガン・モデルガン、コレクションカーおよび食玩は、お客様都合 ...


    A tough as nails heroine meets a TDH man and fate leads them down a propheseid...さらに表示. A lot of books are written by good writers, but Elizabeth ...