

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2023/12/14 -SDFormat base element that can include one model, actor, light, or worlds. A user of multiple worlds could run parallel instances of simulation.

    2023/9/29 -Latest version: 14.0.0 (29 Sep 2023). Debian (.deb) Source (.tar.bz2) · Change Log | Install.

    2023/9/22 -Hi i using VSCode XML redhat extension and schemas from http://sdformat.org/schemas/root.xsd to get SDF validation and code complete ...

    Presented at ROSCon 2023 by Alejandro Hernández Cordero of OSRF and Addisu Taddese of Intrinsic. SDFormat is a widely used file format for describing robot…

    Vimeo-Open Robotics

    2023/10/19 -Simulation Description Format (SDFormat) is an XML format for describing objects and environments for robot simulators. ○ Describes objects and environments ...

    2023/10/2 -This minor release adds support for nested models and nested canonical links to the DOM API for SDFormat spec version 1.7 (#316, #341). These changes have been ...

    2024/4/4 -Discuss: Tools and Best Practices for 3D Robot Assets (URDF, SDFormat, CAD, etc) · General.

    2023/9/13 -This project enables automatic calculation for the Moments of Inertia, Mass, and Inertial Pose (Center of Mass pose) of a link described using SDFormat. The ...

    2024/8/7 -健診関係10団体(右に表示)で構成する日本医学健康管理評価協議会が総意で推進している電子的標準様式である。健診標準フォーマットを基にした生涯健康管理基盤( ...

    POST.ex 配布施設一覧-活動状況-お問い合わせ

    2024/8/16 -Windows PCでSDカードがフォーマットできない時の対処法 · ①書き込み禁止の解除 · ②ディスクの管理でフォーマット · ③不良セクタのチェックと修復 · ④サードパーティの ...